(What follows is a transcript of my extemporaneous speech delivered in Wellington on the occasion of the anniversary of the imposition of New Zealand’s ‘no jab no job’ mandate.)
It’s really a privilege to be here among the ‘we few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters’ who have been thinking critically pretty much from the beginning.
Now I wanna be a little more dramatic than Matt [Dr. Matt Shelton] has been and I want to mention the fact that most of us by now know that virtually everything we have been told since this covid psyops began by the so-called authorities has been a lie.
We were told that it was the most lethal pandemic in human history, and we knew very early on that was completely false. We were told that the PCR tests were essential instruments in helping us detect [covid], and protect each other, and we know that that is completely false.
We were told that there was no treatment if anybody happened to get symptoms of covid, except to stay at home, breathe quietly — and if you started to have trouble breathing get to the hospital and somebody’ll figure something out. And we know that was also wrong. In fact, there were treatments from the very beginning, and there were health measures we all could have taken — and the government should have encouraged us to take should they have really been interested in our welfare.
Remember that governments exist to help the people that empower them.
Did our government take that position when it came to locking down the healthy for months on end, and then when it came to mandating absolutely useless face-disfiguring masks that did nothing by mark one as a subject to their authority?
Did our governments take that position when they decided they were gonna coerce people into getting a still inadequately tested inoculation masquerading as a vaccine, which neither protects us from anything but does cause a lot of damage?
They did nothing of the sort.
Now, so much of this has devolved upon the jab, and I know members here who have been ousted from their jobs because they asserted their right to their own health. And despite the fact that the mandates have been ‘officially’ lifted by our gracious authorities, they still cannot return to work for Te Whatu Ora because — guess what? Te Whatu Ora has its own employer mandates, and you can’t work for them unless you’re jabbed.
Now, none of this makes sense. We have been bludgeoned by fear and cowered by fear, and our so-called mainstream media outlets have done nothing but promote a pretty unidirectional line about all of this, which is that we should still be afraid, we should go along with everything that we’ve been told, and that time-honored principles that have been the backbone of Medicine — principles like ‘first do no harm’, principles like informed consent, principles like individualized treatment, principles like ‘there’s no one size that fits everybody’. They have been cast aside.
We also saw how the benign authorities handled those who gathered during those historic weeks on the steps of Parliament to protest mandates that are actually criminal in and of themselves.
So I ask the question, when do our human rights — when, when does anyone have the right to take away our fundamental human rights and our autonomy? Is it in time of war? Is it in time of terrible pandemics? Is it when the government decides, well, we really don’t have rights to do this, that or the other? I think not.
I think that, whatever happens in the future, we have to retain our critical faculties, we have to look back on this time when so many people having been, I think, so traumatized by the drumbeat of incessant fear, kind of lost their minds and went along with things. And we have to say ‘no’ to any entity that seeks to violate the sanctity of our body and soul.
I wasn’t sure what I was gonna say when I came here today because I’m actually frankly bored with the whole thing. I’m tired of waking up every day into a dystopia of relentless — there’s always something, every other day there’s gonna be another coercion, another whatever.
I look around at this city. All the streets are being torn up, buildings are falling down, businesses are shuttered along Cuba Street, small businesses have really been extinguished, and people are encouraged to work from home pretty much as much as possible.
So what the hell kind of city, what the hell kind of human community are we encouraging?
What gives us value in our lives is the goodness of our human interaction.
The government, with that ridiculous, unscientific, unprecedented lockdown kept us from our loved ones in time of need, kept us from our houses of worship, kept us from the very integument of whatever is valuable in this precious life.
That cannot be allowed to happen again.
We cannot allow anyone to tell us we need to take an experimental, or any kind of medicine against our will. That happened very clearly during the Holocaust and during the 30s and 40s in Nazi Germany. Somehow it’s happened again and it’s happened on a global scale. Millions of people have been adversely effected.
We must say ‘no’ and we must continue to fight for our freedoms.
I think in a way we grew up a bit too lax, we assumed that, yeah, things were okay, we could travel, we could say what we wanted to say — and now we’ve found there’s censorship, there are restrictions, and there’s the iron hand of a really malevolent organization that doesn’t respect us.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here. Thank you to New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, and remember that each of us has a responsibility in this time.
This is not a time to keep our heads down and wait for the storm to blow over. The storm is upon us. Now is the time to stand up and speak and lead by example.
Thank you.
Emanuel E. Garcia
15 November 2023
video link: https://rumble.com/v3vud6t-dr.-emanuel-garcias-speech-on-red-remembrance-day-wellington-15-nov-2023.html
Thank you Manny and other Doctors Speaking Out with Science, your courageous integrity in upholding the Hippocratic Oath of Do No Harm was and is exemplary.
The vast majority, as you know, of the NZ Medical Establishment remained Obedient To Authority, took the Hypocrisy Oath, and irresponsibly did harm or allowed it to be done.
And that should be lesson learned from the Covid-1984 Milgram Experiment--or as Stanley Milgram wrote in "Obedience To Authority":
“This is, perhaps, the most fundamental lesson of our study: ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority. A variety of inhibitions against disobeying authority come into play and successfully keep the person in his place. The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far reaching consequence of submission to authority.”
I take it as responsibly free human beings, our task is to increase the numbers of those "relatively few" by supplying them with those "resources needed to resist authority".
Talks like yours are doing just that.
“What is a rebel? A man who says No; but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says Yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.” Albert Camus
Rebel, stay free, stay safe.
Re: "...when does anyone have the right to take away our fundamental human rights and our autonomy?"
During Covid mandates, politicians, bureaucrats and others demanded control of people's bodies.
For example, in Australia, in 2021, then Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said "There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated...We're going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/daniel-andrews-vaccine-passport-double-vaccinated/100435606
In other words, people were to be denied participation in society if they refused to consent to Covid-19 vaccination.
On what basis did Daniel Andrews impose this tyranny? How could this man deny others the freedom to participate in society if they refused to be injected?
How did the medical 'profession' go along with this?
Think about it... The medical 'profession' collaborated with people being coerced/mandated to submit to medical interventions to participate in life - 'No Jab, No Life'.
Practitioners injected people they knew were under duress to submit to the injections, they violated voluntary informed consent. This means there wasn't valid consent.
People were denied their livelihoods and participation in society if they refused the jabs...IT'S MIND-BLOWING THAT THIS HAPPENED IN SUPPOSED 'FREE' COUNTRIES!!!!
What is it going to mean when the penny drops that there is no valid consent, that practitioners violated voluntary informed consent?