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Erika Whittome: Employment Law Victories, Jab Exemptions and More in New Zealand
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Erika Whittome: Employment Law Victories, Jab Exemptions and More in New Zealand

Join me for a discussion about some very real victories against the covid machine here in New Zealand in the employment courts, and about Worksafe, jab exemptions and the overhaul that is occurring.

We had some technical difficulties during the recording — please forgive.

From Erika:

My name is Erika Whittome, and I volunteer for the Number 8 Workers Union of NZ helping those who lost their jobs from unlawful mandates. I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree from the University of Toronto,  Canada. 

Studying in Former East Germany

During my studies at the University of Toronto, I studied for a year in former East Berlin, at the  Humboldt University  in  the years 1994 to 1995. Humboldt University had once been a famous university in Germany home to Einstein, Marx, Planck and the Brothers Grimm. 

However in 1933,  20,000 books were burned in the Humboldt University’s courtyard by National Socialist students. The institution  suffered immensely under controlled speech and restrictive academia with the Nazi party’s overbearing influences. After WW2, Humboldt University then suffered under the communist rule of East Germany with deadly political interference and restricted freedom of speech. Those who spoke out were exiled and sometimes killed by the Stasi (or State Security).

Even though the years I studied at Humboldt University were 1994/1995 , five years after the Berlin Wall had come down, the "overhaul  process"  of planted staff being removed from the university had completed: Any staff  associated with the Stasi or the State Security of the former German Democratic Republic were FIRED. In fact  90% of academic staff had been removed from their positions at  the Humboldt University of Berlin. New academic staff had been hired with a fresh outlook to academia with free thought and without censorship.

This overhaul of the former state influenced university had taken a number of years after 1989. The overhaul was by no means  a short time period like the few days for the destruction of the Berlin Wall. 

The Truth Shall Set Us Free

The Berlin Wall was torn down due to a piece of information in the German people’s rights which was the right to travel.   This right to travel was exposed in a press conference on the 9th  November of 1989 in a new piece of legislation. The politician reading  that new piece of legislation did not seek advice prior to reading it at this press conference. The announcement in the legislation  was that the citizens of the GDR (East Germany) were now allowed to travel freely effective immediately and without delay. This announcement led the people  to the Berlin wall security quoting what had been said in the press conference. This constitutional right being recognized is what brought down the Berlin Wall (and a sloppy politician) and ended the cold war as we knew it.

Official Information Act Requests ( 

My official Information Act requests  are of a similar nature in that they reveal the  constitutional rights of New Zealanders and our primary legislation, and how the State has disregarded these constitutional rights and primary legislation with unlawful advice and unlawful orders. ( )

My Official Information Act requests

-Exemptions were issued for not being vaccinated for approx 11,005 Health workers 

THe ministry of Health terminated hundreds of  unvaccinatedworkers, but they don't know if they have hired any of them back ( )

-Covid 19 is not a workplace. Worksafe point out there is a difference between a workplace hazard and a public health hazard 

21 Sept 2023 RNZ resignation of Worksafe CEO 

OIAs on the Min of Justice's Internal Advice and Hiding "Covid 19 " Cases 

Released ~ June 2022 ,  OIA-99943 by Sue Grey in which the Ministry of Justice advice cabinet of all their serious concerns breaching the bill of rights with mandating vaccines from Mar 2021-Dec 2021 (

7 Jul 2023 The Ministry of Justice is hiding cases opposing the government c19 response by not publishing many decisions on their website. I asked for some of the decisions I was aware of, and there are many more no doubt:

23 July 2023 Minister of Justice resigns 

Now the "Covid 19 Related Judgments" page is removed, but the wayback when machine still has it.*/  They made "show cases" of certain decisions.

New Zealand Bill of Rights 1990

This is a decision from 10 Nov 2023 ruling that the Directory General for health had no consent for a mass medical treatment and no justification to limit human rights : 

This attempt at a compulsory fluoride treatment is consistent with the Health Act 1956 , section 92 I

(5) In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment. 

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