Well, we’ve had elections in New Zealand and a whole new government will be taking the reins of power, ostensibly. Labour is out and National is in, with a coalition partner, and the freedom parties failed to unite and exceed the five percent threshold needed for Parliamentary presence. Nonetheless a seasoned politician who began to espouse freedom principles in his campaign has made the cut, so we may have a foot in the door. As far as I have been concerned, the establishment Uniparty will do nothing to extricate our country from the crushing globalist embrace of the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organization, and if and when another phony pandemic is declared, it will be ‘interesting’ to see how ‘the people’ responds to another governmental attempt to deprive us of our unalienable rights.
Nonetheless, I have many reasons to be grateful to the covid apocalypse that beset us these past four years. The veil of institutional honesty having been rent, a vista into terrain hitherto unknown was bequeathed — the terrain of deep corruption and rot wherein trusted and revered entities revealed themselves to be thoroughly malicious and bent on reversing a millennia of progress.
Take Medicine, for example. Damn the Hippocratic Oath, dash natural immunity, don’t worry about informed consent: figure out instead ever more ingenious ways to make sure that every living mammal has some form of mRNA within its bloodstream, even if it takes genetically engineered mosquitoes to do the dirty work which clumsy needles couldn’t comprehensively accomplish. And when any antediluvian doctors cavil, doctors who have raised eyebrows about the headlong rush to the final solution offered by inoculation and questioned the wisdom of breath-depriving masks, make their lives hell. Launch probes, suspend or cancel licences, and threaten them with fines or even prison for the crime of voicing concerns and wondering how the very foundations of their profession could have been so thoroughly vaporized overnight.
But thanks to these past four years I have educated myself about many aspects of medical care and the history of the pharmaceutical industry, about the climate scam being perpetrated, about the endless wars that have continued beyond the one to end all wars, and about the sheer and utter indifference of authorities, such as they are, inclusive of our representative governments in the so-called Free World, to our deaths and lives.
Prominent and beloved and ‘benevolent’ figures like primate researcher Jane Goodall are openly espousing the virtues of depopulation, while ‘excess deaths’ are besieging us, cancers are proliferating, and the adverse effects of the Jab are being shoved under the rug and attributed to ‘long covid’, as if short covid wasn’t enough.
This indifference to the well-being of the dirty masses is nothing new, but the scale is such as to give even a hardened psychopath pause. We’re being hurt, we’re being maimed, we’re being killed, and we’re being mesmerized by the Agents of the Agenda to celebrate our immolation, in numbers that are immense.
The 20th Century brought the Nazi Holocaust, the genocides of Stalin and Mao, the nuclear annihilation of inhabited Japanese cities, the Korean and Vietnamese wars, and a variety of coups and massacres. 9/11 became the pretext for further martial excursions in the Middle East and significant constraints upon individual autonomy, and with covid State-sponsored terror reached novel heights and breadth.
About a year ago I happened to be in Wellington during a climate change march. I watched as the stream of mostly youthful humanity meandered its way through the city centre, shouting and screaming and chanting and waving signs about carbon dioxide. I thought about quietly taking a few people aside to ask some meaningful questions, but I desisted — it would have been impossible, I would never have been heard. And as I ruminated I experienced a frisson of fear — real fear, not the kind manufactured by a controlled media phalanx about an invisible and never very lethal pathogen. It was fear of a mob.
I remembered the very many who masked up and looked with hostility upon those who preferred not to; I remembered the virulence of the attacks upon those of us who refused to be injected, even from colleagues in Medicine; and I remembered the threats of politicians to hunt us down.
If there is Progress it will be measured by tolerance, and thoughtfulness, and discussion and debate, and the insistence of the majority on the preservation of human freedom and choice. It will favour Peace over War, Liberty over Control, and Reflection over Impulse.
Virtually everything the authorities told us about covid has been a lie. Seeing through this Big Lie allows us to see through the long and sordid chain of others — and it allows us to prepare for future assaults upon language and history and perception as well.
No matter who sits in Parliament it will be up to us, we people on the ground, either to comply with lawless State directives, or not. It has always been this way and always will, and our free choice between doing what is good and what is ill can never disappear.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
October 2023
The irony is that if they wanted to reduce population, all they would have to do is create a society where women and men aren't driven to have kids.
Where does this exist? A good example are the Scandinavian nations where people are taken care of.
Think of the book Brave New World but milder.
But no, these people are greedy and want to do it in a 1984 manner of force or coercion, as they did with the jabs. As they do with flu shots, statins, SSRIs, blood pressure medications, and other drugs with side effects marketed to older adults.
I fear the mob as well, seeing that my own former friends and family are still part of it. They do not seem to be able to see how much our 'governments' want us dead or financially dependant. If I could take away their cellphones, I would.