A Scientist's Abominable Dereliction of Duty
a consequence of the most effective propaganda operation in history
I’ve found myself feeling unusually cranky over the past several months. Goodnesss knows, there are plenty of reasons: the never-ending covidian pall that has hung over our heads for nearly four years, the absurdly frivolous persecution of my medical colleagues here in New Zealand by a thoroughly corrupt Medical Council in the back pocket of the FSMB, the recent change in government with promises to begin a covid inquiry that itself promises to be about as successful as the Warren Commission report on the assassination of JFK, and the many stories of jab-injured people who feel they have nowhere to turn. In fact, I received a message from one just last week imploring me to hear her out over the holidays, which I gladly will.
But more particularly for me and my level of grumpiness this week was having come across a video by a YouTube influencer, a bona fide physicist whose channel promises “Science without the gobbledygook.” I’ve chanced upon her before as I meandered my way through discussions of dark energy, dark matter, black holes and the like, no doubt a masochistic exercise for someone whose mathematical abilities reach their peak in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division — although in fairness I did manage to pass calculus and statistics courses in my youth, the memory of which is something best repressed.
The physicist in question, one Sabine Hossenfelder, produced a video entitled “Long COVID: All you need to know”:
I sat through the excruciating twenty minutes in stunned disbelief. Here, after all, is a very real and accomplished scientist, who describes herself on her channel thus:
“Sabine Hossenfelder has a PhD in physics. She is author of the books "Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray" (Basic Books, 2018) and "Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide to Life's Biggest Questions" (Viking, 2022).”
I know without a doubt that her mental capacity for engaging in the higher complexities of mathematics, cosmology, particle physics and the like, is considerable, and in comparison to me she is many light years ahead or above my capabilities to comprehend even the rudiments of these august fields.
Mysteriously however, Dr. Hossenfelder’s scientific acumen took a leave of absence when she ventured into the field of medicine. I realize that she does not possess an MD, but surely any scientist worth his or her salt could never had failed to address the one highly significant variable in all this talk of long, longer and endless covid: the Jab.
Well, to be fair, she does mention covid “vaccination” in the context of preventing long covid, citing a meta-analysis that suggests multiple “vaccinations” are preventive. And with respect to the treatment of covid, she utterly fails to mention anything like zinc, zinc ionophores such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D — offering instead the suggestion that those infected with covid should “rest well” and not “try to push through it.”
I am reminded of a neighbor who developed a deep venous thrombosis in her calf and, two days after diagnosis, a pulmonary embolism requiring emergency hospitalization. She fortunately survived. When I asked her what her doctors told her about the developments she initially said that they were befuddled and could offer no explanation. A week later, however, their tune changed and, voila’, they discovered the culprit — yes, you guessed it, long covid! Not one of her doctors thought to consider the fact that she had received the thromobogenic Pfizer inoculation and boosters. This poor woman continues to require treatment and I suspect that she will line up for the yet another covid booster, despite my attempts to warn her of the possibility that this would be unwise and unhealthy. Let’s see.
Meanwhile I muse upon the titanium-clad propaganda machine that has generated a fool-proof shield of rebuttals to any real scientific curiosity. I predicted at the outset that adverse effects of the covid Jab would be attributed to covid itself instead of to the real culprit, and so they have, at least in mainstream circles. This is a kind of beautiful perfection in propaganda, isn’t it? With all the insurmountable and overwhelming evidence of Jab-induced harm, or people dying in greater numbers, the propagandist’s fall-back position is covid itself.
Yet another aspect of the bludgeoning under which we have suffered these past several years is that peculiar form of gaslighting that has turned the tables on everything we once held as rock-solid. Fundamental principles of medicine were, as if by a magician’s wave of the hand, dismissed — things like natural immunity, early treatment and prevention, individualized therapy, informed consent. Where once pandemic guidelines eschewed quarantining the healthy, lockdowns became the norm. Distancing became something “social” and masking, long known to be rather useless for respiratory viruses, became mandatory. We were told, daily, incessantly, to fear for our lives thanks to an infectious agent that was never more deadly than a seasonal flu. And, most ominously, we were advised that the very sanctity of our bodies — let’s leave the soul out of this for now — could be transgressed and violated by a State that justified its rapine coercion by the outright lie that healthy people could be lethal to others.
Yes, I suppose I have a lot of reasons to be out of sorts, but perhaps mostly because I am naive enough to think that very real and very accomplished scientists like Sabine Hossenfelder should practice scientific principles when they venture into domains beyond their particular expertise. In short, I thought that a scientific mind would be, well, scientific, and that the exclusion of a very real and ubiquitous variable such as mass inoculation would at the very least have been given some weight.
Then I ask myself the question, are these so-called scientists — like Dr. Hossenfelder with her million subscribers — truly ignorant, or are they part of the program?
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
November 2023
I hate to say it but, these people are actually not that smart. They're specialists.
That's why they also promote carbon climate change even though there's tons of disagreement in environmental science.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
Have you seen the links between...
Long Covid and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Gulf war syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Chronic lyme disease and mitochondrial dysfunction?
"Floxed" from Ciprofloxacin/flueroquinolone antibiotics and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Alzheimer's and mitochondrial dysfunction?
COPD and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Liver disease and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Diabetes and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Aging (senescence)!and mitochondrial dysfunction?
Myocarditis and mitochondrial dysfunction?
And just one further prickly question...
Are there any studies which indicate spike protein is responsible for inducing mitochondrial dysfunction?