I think it is important to reflect upon the past from time to time, and I think that this letter of mine, to a close relative while in the thick of the Corona War, in mid-2021, is as relevant now as it was then. Here goes.
I want you to remember me years from now as a person who remained true to the principles he swore when he received his medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania in 1986: 'at first do no harm'. When this current insanity of the world passes, and I hope it passes soon, I don't want to be among those who remained silent when good people were harmed irrevocably by this dangerous and unnecessary vaccine. I don't want to be among those who were afraid to stand up for basic medical principles. I want you to remember me as a good man, a good person.
The rise of Nazism occurred because many people, doctors included, were afraid to oppose it. We're living in a Nazi-like era now where no dissent, no open discussion is even tolerated, and a vaccine that has already caused tens of thousands of deaths — in only the short time it has been out — and whose long-term effects are unknown because there have been no long-term studies and we are all guinea pigs — is being pushed for everybody, including kids here as young as 16.
The fatality rate of covid is that of a seasonal flu — look up Ioannnidis, an eminent Stanford epidemiologist.
Personally, I'm not afraid of covid or the flu, but I AM afraid of the misery and death and unnecessary suffering that will be caused by this so-called 'vaccine', afraid of the danger of the spike protein which this biological agent causes the body to manufacture — and I'm even more afraid of the silence and submission of people who are all too willing to believe in the benevolence of governments and pharmaceutical companies and all too willing to sacrifice basic unalienable human rights and liberties.
I'm attaching a list of questions which I recommend anybody and everybody to answer for themselves. Feel free to share, discuss and most of all, to do your own research.
The virus
1. Has the virus been isolated and grown in culture? How are we so sure of the sequence of its genome?
2. Is the virus more dangerous than other respiratory viruses (e.g., the seasonal flu), and how so?
3. Who are most likely to suffer serious symptoms from the virus? Who are least vulnerable?
4. Can serious symptoms be prevented by medications and other agents?
5. Is this virus the most lethal virus ever recorded?
6. Has there been a large increase in overall deaths from the virus over the past year? (excess mortality)
7. Can people who are not sick transmit the virus?
8. How many deaths have resulted with viral illness as the chief cause?
9. What has happened to the common seasonal flu?
The test for the virus
1. How does the laboratory test for covid work?
2. Is the test reliable? Have studies been conducted to prove its reliability/unreliability?
3. If someone tests 'positive' for covid but has no symptoms, should this person be considered a 'case'?
4. If someone dies from a heart attack but is found to test positive for covid, should covid be assumed to be the cause of death?
1. Can masks prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses, and if so, which kind of masks? Have there been controlled studies on masks and their role in viral protection?
2. Are there negative aspects of mask-wearing? Can they contribute to illness?
3. What are the psychological aspects of mask wearing?
1. Have any studies shown that lockdowns prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses?
2. Have healthy persons ever been quarantined before the covid outbreak?
3. Are there any negative consequences of lockdowns?
4. Have lockdowns affected the mental, physical and economic well-being of people? If so, how? Have any studies been conducted to assess these effects?
Treating the virus
1. Are any medicines effective in treating the virus, and if so, which ones?
2. Can early (outpatient) treatment of patients with the virus prevent serious developments?
3. What are the roles of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, steroids in the treatment of the virus? Which studies support or negate their efficacy?
4. Why were doctors in some parts of the world prevented from prescribing agents like hydroxychloroquine during a 'deadly' pandemic?
The "vaccines"
1. What is in the injections (list of ingredients)?
2. What is their role — can they prevent infection and transmission of the virus? If not, what are they supposed to do?
3. How is the Pfizer injection supposed to work?
4. Have the injections been as thoroughly tested as other vaccines? Do they have adverse effects? Can they cause death?
5. Where can I find out information about adverse vaccine reactions in New Zealand, and also in the world?
6. Is a coronavirus vaccine necessary?
7. If someone has had the virus, why would they need a vaccine?
8. Are people testing positive for covid after they have been 'vaccinated' and if so, why?
9. What is informed consent?
10. Under the New Zealand Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code, medical intervention cannot be forced against a person's will — yet the 'vaccine' is being made mandatory for employment in some areas? Is this lawful?
11. Are 'vaccine passports' being planned, can they be lawful?
12. If a person refuses the Pfizer injection, will he/she be jeopardising his/her job and other activities?
13. Can those who have received the Pfizer injection pose a health risk to others, and how?
14. Is the spike protein that is created by the Pfizer injection harmful, and if so, how? Where does it travel within the body?
15. How are the covid ‘vaccines’ different from previous vaccines (polio, measles, hepatitis, etc.)?
New Zealand
1. How many covid-related deaths have occurred in New Zealand?
2. How many hospitalisations due to covid have occurred in New Zealand?
3. How many people have tested positive for covid in New Zealand?
4. How many people testing positive for covid have actually been sick?
5. Is there a health emergency in New Zealand?
6. How many people have been adversely affected by the climate of viral fear, lockdowns, job losses, emotional upheaval, loss of liberties, etc., over the past year?
1. Why are the authorities not allowing full and open debate of medical questions and public health policy?
2. Why is anyone who expresses a different opinion from the governmental narrative considered a purveyor of 'misinformation' or 'disinformation'?
3. Why are medical doctors who have voiced their opinions about the potential dangers of the Pfizer vaccine and other aspects of covid management under scrutiny by the Medical Council?
4. Why has such priority been given to the 'vaccine' as the only solution to the viral problem? Why have there been few, if any, recommendations for healthy lifestyle, prevention and early treatment from our health authorities?
5. The Hippocratic Oath, which all doctors swear allegiance to when they obtain their medical degrees, states "First, do no harm (primum non nocere)" — is this foundational principle being ignored with the Pfizer injection rollout?
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
This article also appears in Global Research.
Hi NZD - Just wanted to let you know that your disheartening experience with one relative is
not unique. This topic, which is / was close to my heart, was discussed at some length on a couple of other boards that I frequent. For months we struggled together to try and understand these friends and family who simply could not be reached. (What is up with them???) I, like you, corresponded with everyone I cared about the summer of 2020, knowing that the so-called vaccines would be coming and would likely blindside many if not most. I snail mailed a 2-sided page of the very best resources of honest & accurate info. that I had meticulously and carefully researched and refined. No preaching, just FYI.....or BTW..... I made extra copies, and put in unaddressed envelopes to hand out at random to people I ran across in my community. To the best of family and friends I also sent a couple of books and articles.
Sad to say, results were little, if any response, acknowledgement or (at least).....thanks for thinking of me. Admittedly, my gracious behavior had a selfish motive, in that I wanted to have a clear conscience suspecting what was to come for us all, and I think action(s) are more important than outcome. Try and leave the outcome to the higher power, after I have done what I can.
From time to time, I still puzzle over such seeming strange behavior from people I thought I knew so well. Here's someone else's explanation, that I thought was very interesting and somewhat satisfying. She's not someone I follow, but she did a good job presenting her thoughts here.
I tried to warn people. I really did. Especially my friends and colleagues. But the cult like mantra was powerful. Too powerful and unfortunately it either fell on deaf ears, with a shrug of the shoulders or worse and I was attacked and called names.
I have for a while considered how to make the most simple set of questions for people to ask themselves or muse over. A less is more approach. Decluttering.
I can boil it down to these four key themes.
1) Was the vaccine rollout ever truly necessary?
Eg what was the IFR for your age and what other possible safety controls could be used at both a personal level and at the community/clinical level?
2) Does the vaccine actually work?
Eg is it going to achieve the goals of ending the pandemic, saving the hospital system from collapse and or protecting you from being infected, transmitting the virus or even ending up in hospital or dying?
3) Is it really safe?
Eg What does safe mean to you? What are the risks of this type of intracellular therapy? Has anyone at all been injured by it? How many? What kinds of injuries? Are some substances known to have long term side effects that initially appear safe and then later develop into cancers, fatigue, birth defects etc? And could this be one of those? How would we know?
4) Is this rollout ethical and morally right? Eg, was there adequate informed consent, the fact this is an experiment despite trying to pretend it isn't, medical in confidence is a thing?, coercion tactics and "othering" is a type of medical discrimination?